Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Oct 27 2021 - Bewdley to Camborne & Beyond

12 cyclists met in the Bewdley municipal parking lot on another gorgeous fall day. From the parking lot we cycled east on Cavan Rd crossing Cty Rd 9 to Plainsville, a 6 km gradual but steady uphill ride. Then south on Cty Rd 18 for a continuous long but moderate hill climb to Upper Coldsprings followed by the reward of a a long downhill ride thru Lower Coldsprings to Camborne where we split in to groups. From Camborne Pete led one group on Kennedy Rd  which has a couple of short but steep climbs on the way uphill to Vimy Ridge Rd. West on Vimy Ridge thru a couple of small dips to Little Rd which has a final steep climb to a panoramic view of Rice Lk before continuing downhill to Cavan Rd & a return into Bewdley, a 30 km route. The other group continued their ride downhill thru Camborne to Dale Rd then west to McClelland Rd for a challenging uphill ride north to Bethel Grove Rd followed by more climbs cycling west to Vic Lightle Rd, north to Vimy Ridge & a short jog over to Little Rd for a return to Bewdley, a 40 km route. After the ride we enjoyed a picnic lunch in the Bewdley lakeshore park. This scenic route is the most difficult ride we do with long moderate climbs interspersed with steeper climbs that demand respect requiring frequent short rest breaks, especially for our "elder statesmen" like me! For many years we only did the Camborne loop with everyone turning on to Kennedy Rd.


                                                  Cty Rd 18 - 1/2 way up to Upper Coldsprings
                                                      View of Rice Lake from Little Rd
View of Vimy Ridge Rd area from Kennedy Rd

Monday, October 18, 2021

Barry's Note re Donations to P-HTCT Association

Fellow ‘Dudes’

Peterborough-Hastings Trans Canada Trail Assoc. Inc. is the manager for the Lang Hastings Trail.  In the past, the group has been very supportive of the trail and I thank everyone for that. Now that we have charitable status, any donation over $20 will receive a tax receipt.

Donations can be made on the trail web site through Canada Helps  

or by direct donation by cheque payable to P-HTCTAssoc., which you can give to me.  

Thank you.

Barry,      Pres. P-HTCTAssoc.


                                                 Keene Station Shelter - a recent project