Thursday, September 22, 2022

September Rides

                                                               Beavermeade shoreline

 Sept 7 - 
11 Dudes met  Barry at Beavermead Park for a 10 am start. We rode up the Greenway Trail to Trent U, then proceeded northerly to Douro Centre Line which we followed to Douro 4th line. South on 4th Line to Douro, west on Cty Rd. 8 and Cty Rd. 4 to Pioneer Rd. West on Pioneer Rd. to Douro 9th line, south to Division Rd. Right on Division, over the big hill into Donwood. Followed Parkhill Rd to the canal where we turned left to ride the new trail along the canal to Ashburnham Dr., returning to Beavermead for lunch. 35 km.

Sept 14 - Dan Volman's ride & BBQ

                                              Burton's photos

Sept 21 Under threatening conditions 12 Dudes met Barry at Beavermead Park for a 10 am ride. We rode south on AshburnhanDr. , right to Otonabee Dr. to River Rd, left to Bensfort Rd., south to Stewart Hall. From here we rode east on Base line to Heritage Line returning to Peterborough via the Lang Hastings Trail . 34 km

                                                Burton's photos