Friday, July 28, 2023

July 26 - Ride from Baxter Creek Golf club

 14 cyclists met in the upper parking lot of the Baxter Creek golf Club on a hot, muggy summer day. We ended up cycling a 26 km route avoiding more hill climbs & the heat. From the club we cycled west on Cedar Valley Rd which has a few rollers as you cross Baxter Creek to Hutchison Dr. & long gradual uphill ride north to Larmer Line for a short but steep climb before continuing  to cycle west over Hgw 115 to Tapley 1/4 Line where we decided to shorten the ride by cycling north to Syer  Line for a ride east on rolling terrain to Cty Rd 10 & an uphill jog over Hgw 115 to Syer then east to Hutchison Dr, south to Cedar Valley Rd & a return to the the Golf club. Unfortunately John Higgisson suffered a serious head injury caused by his front wheel being caught in loose gravel as he cycled down a steep gradient on Syer. The rapid response of the emergency services was impressive & John had been admitted to Sunnybrook Hospital within an hour of his injury. After the ride a few us decompressed by having lunch on the golf club patio where we were joined by Bob Hawker from Port Perry who has cycled & skied with us. We had a report from John's wife Joan that he had been admitted to ICU for treatment. I will send further updates on John's condition by email. 


                                                      Syer Line hill - site of the accident
                                                           Syer Line west of Cty Rd 10
                                                   Cedar Valley Rd at Hutchison Dr