Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October 11 2023 - Warsaw Colour Ride

 8 cyclists met in the Warsaw Lions Park on a cool breezy fall day for a 37 km ride, quite a contrast in temperature from last week's ride. The ride starts with a long gradual uphill ride on Rock Rd (paved) past Douglas Rd to the Warsaw Caves trail leading to the viewpoint overlooking the Indian R gorge. After the break we cycled uphill east on Cooper Rd (gravel) to the 4th line for a rolling ride (gravel) south to Centre Rd, also gravel, & a 4 km ride east to the start of the bushtrail on the 6th line road allowance for a 2 km a rough ride thru woodlots to the 6th Line (gravel) & a rolling ride south across Webster Rd to Cty Rd 8 for another 4 km rolling ride on pavement east to the 8th Line (gravel) & a 4 km uphill ride north to Webster Rd. West on Webster & Cty Rd 8, paved, for a 7 km ride to the 4th Line in Cottesloe & an uphill ride north (paved & gravel) to Douglas Rd  (paved) & a long uphill ride as we cycled west towards a welcome downhill ride to Rock Rd & a return to the Lions Park. After the ride 5 of us enjoyed a leisurely lunch at the Canoe & Paddle pub in Lakefield. Note: the Lions Park is usually closed because of vandalism so in the future we will meet in the Back Dam Park on Rock Rd


                                                                6th Line bushtrail
                                                           6th line bushtrail
                                                   Dan navigating the 6th Line bushtrail
Indian R gorge

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