Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24 2024 - Beavermeade to Lang

Before the ride we gave George a card celebrating his recent 90th birthday. The forecast indicated rain starting at noon so we decided to do a 30 km ride on the TCT cycling to Heritage Line for a ride north on the paved bike lane to Lang Rd & a ride into the village of Lang for a break before taking Allandale Rd east to Nelson Rd & south to the TCT for a return to Beavermeade where it started to rain. After the ride John Higginson cycled from home to join us for lunch at the Porch & Pint pub. 

                                                                Burton's photos

                                                                      Lang Mill

Keene Station shelter
                                                     TCT approach to the shelter
TCT at the Keene Rd


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