Wednesday, August 23, 2023

August 23 2023 - Bevermeade to Douro

 13 cyclists met in Bevermeade for a ride in the hills & valleys of the Douro countryside. We cycled north on the RGWT crossing over the canal to Pioneer Rd & east to Cty Rd 4 then south to Cty Rd 8 & a ride into Douro where we split in 2 groups. 4 cyclists decided to do a shorter route (34 km) by cycling south on the Douro 4th to Division Rd. The others did a 41 km ride by cycling east on Cty Rd 8 to the Douro 2nd Line & a scenic ride south over the Indian R to Division Rd. Everyone cycled north on Division for an uphill climb across Hgw 28 before a welcome downhill ride to Sweeney Line & a ride on gravel east to Old Norwood Rd. West on Old Norwood Rd for a break at Harold Town Pk where the 2 groups met before continuing to cycle west into the city across Television Rd to Beavermeade where we had a picnic lunch beside Little Lake.    Burton's photos                                  

                                                            Harold Town Park
                                               Jon Roslaniec on Pioneer Rd

                                              Blake overlooking the the Indian River 

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