Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Sept 20 2023 - Rice Lake Ride

On a gorgeous fall day 13 cyclists met in Bewdley for this 34 km ride on the southwest side of Rice Lake before heading inland. From Bewdley we cycled out Cavan Rd, a gradual climb, to Cty Rd 9 for a daunting 3 stages climb, as shown in Burton's photos, to Lander Rd & a welcome long downhill ride into Gore's Landing. From Gore's we cycled east on Rice Lake Scenic Dr, a much easier rolling ride, to Harwood. From Harwood we cycled north on Cty Rd 15 an easy but long uphill ride across Cty Rd 9 to Beavermeadow Rd W. West on Beavermeadow to Cty Rd 18 then north to Plainsville for a ride east on Cavan Rd back to Bewdley. After the ride we enjoyed lunch on the patio of The Lakeview Restaurant overlooking the lake. This is one of our more challenging rides but is fine if you take the time to enjoy the scenery!

                                                              Burton's photos

                    Burton on Cty Rd 9 @ the 2/3 point of the climb, note the wide paved shoulder
                                                        Gore's Landing

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