Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April 2024 - Ennismore Ride

 9 hardy cyclists met in the Ennismore Curling Club parking lot on a cold & windy day. Because rain was predicted Bill Ingram offered to lead us on this shorter & easier 15 km route in the hope that we would be finished before it rained. From the curling club we cycled east on Ennis Rd, north on Robinson Rd to Listowel Rd for a ride east to Brick Rd & south to Ennis Rd then east on Ennis Rd to the Ennismore Waterfront Pk before returning on Ennis to Brick Rd & a ride south to Skyline Rd then west to Robinson Rd (Cty Rd 16) for a cycle north to Ennis Rd where it started to sprinkle. After the ride we had lunch at Jessie's then drove to the Bridgenorth Library to view Peter Masken's amazing photos.

                                             Chemung Lake - Ennismore Waterfront Pk
                                   Group photo at the intersection of Listowel & Brick Rds 

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